I welcome you again to Vivekananda IT Institute.
Today I am providing you DOs and DON’Ts about the online training. I know, we are suffering from COVID-19 pandemic spread around the world. The situation is getting worse for every individual daily. Somewhere at the back of the mind, we praying to get some solution about this pandemic of COVID-19.
Simultaneously, we are also suffering from the by-products of this pandemic. Many governments around the world imposed LOCKDOWN to combat this situation. Gradually, now things are getting unlocked. The most suffered is the economy; not of any country but importantly of an Individual.
This pandemic has brought many things along. People are searching for the training or subjects by which they can upgrade themselves for the future prospective career or to bring stability in the current profile. One advantage provides by this pandemic is “TIME“. Time to learn online, which previously was very hard to provision for self-development. Note that I am talking about the 21st century and not the 19th century. In Today’s world, technology is growing leaps and bounds despite any situation. We took a detour towards the “NEVER IMAGINED” work from home factor. We are “ACTUALLY” connecting everyone ONLINE or you can say “DIGITALLY”.
Similarly, people are searching to get themselves educated to stand out of the crowd, to update, to upgrade. Many possible things were there and now we are using that. What we have observed, people looking for online education options on the internet. Which is fine to do and everyone should do. There is nothing wrong with it. So they search the desired topics or technology to learn in sync with their career profile.
Now I wanted to draw attention to “HOW TO APPROACH THOSE TRAINING”?
You may find several training modules over the internet. Some are paid and some of free or some are a mix of both. We forget that our model of education since our childhood is “IMPARTED” i.e. someone is there like teacher, tutor, or trainer to give insight about those topics. In the classroom, we interact with them to get a better understanding and deep knowledge about that subject. We can always ask for doubts or queries or revision of the particular topics.
So, while searching for this education on the internet, I suggest following a given pattern to analyze your training requirement.
If you are a beginner, then I suppose you are “completely” new to the subject. For example, you are a data analyst and all your analysis is done using spreadsheets. Now, this is the manual way of executing the work (I am not saying it is wrong). But gradually, these processes are approaching an automation state. For automation, you need to upgrade yourself with the tools available to do so. If I talk about it, Python programming language is widely used for doing data analytics in an automated way. So for beginners, “IT PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE” is a new subject. Now people search for the tutorial (initially free course) and landing over the various platform. One of these platforms is SELF-PACED LEARNING VIDEOS. I want to make a note that, to get one such perfect videos is hard to get. From one such video “PYTHON PROGRAMMING FOR BEGINNERS”, you start your journey. Once finished, you now are on your own and here the problem arises. You need guidance, support, or a doubt solver just like we got in our school; teachers, professors, or guides. These self-paced videos lack these factors. Also, there are chances to get wrong information through those videos. Keep in mind, a mere 4-10 hour videos do not cover what you get in 60 hours of interactive training with trainers.
Experienced professionals:
If you are working in a particular domain and got decent years of experience, you now wanted to polish your skills for the next level. If you approach these self-paced-videos for online training, you are good to go. You can easily connect with the subject and developed advanced skills. Also, you can practically apply those things in your routine profile if you get a chance.
DONT’S – Many times, the professionals perceive that they accomplished all that required knowledge through these platforms. So they restrict themselves for further training or upgrading. This eventually a sign of restricting from taking responsibilities and stops further learning.
DO’s – But I suggest taking an interactive training session with a “knowledgeable” expert. The advantage of this training that a subject matter expert can guide you for the progressive career accordingly to your career profile. Also, I will share the future possibilities under that. These mid-level professionals need good career advice so that they can become more focused rather than demotivating or thinking to part away from the existing career due to lack of scope they think it has. My many students are from these categories. We at Vivekananda IT Institute train them and guide them towards a progressive career which has skills, knowledge and of course “Money”.
The Expert:
The expert needs to know the basic understanding of any subject that can add value to their existing knowledge. Here, if they start getting knowledge through online videos of Self-paced learning videos, they are adapting quickly and can explore more about that topic on their own. So here, I would recommend them to get basic information about the new subject and further, they can enroll for any online interactive session to discuss and learn the new technologies according to their future career goals.
Now why I am sharing this information is to provide a better judgment capacity whether to approach any “JUST VIDEO” training or not or when to do so. Remember, the things with learning while interacting are stored in our Sub Conscious mind and it will there with us through the lifetime.
We, at Vivekananda IT Institute, is providing network & security training of global cisco certification like CCNA, CCNP, CCIE, DevNet for many years. This includes our classroom training as well as online training. We try to impart knowledge that can guide or boost the existing situation of an individual rather than focusing on just getting “CERTIFICATION”. Afterall “Knowledge is Power” and a certificate is just a “DOCUMENT”. We are now providing online interactive training for CCNA, CCNP, Python, and DevNet. We do include practicals along with conceptual knowledge. These concept clarities help our students to get placed in organizations and companies. We have placed a few of our students in this pandemic situation as well.
Signing off for now.
Yash Sharma